Check out this article about digital overload: Avoid the Dangers of Digital Overload
Perhaps we all need to get away from all that electronic junk for a little while. Here are a few things you can do to get you out in the garden:
- Weed-Even a few minutes of weeding is progress
- Plant some annuals to add seasonal color for an instant pick-me up in the garden
- Plant and tend to an herb garden-I usually plant these in containers for easy maintenance
- Prune something- Roses, small trees, shrubs and flowering plants can all use a haircut here and there.
- Fertilize-Plants need the occasional dose of nutrients too. Spend a few minutes applying fertilizer for more vigorous growth and more blooms.
- Experiment-Plant something new and see if it will grow
- Plant bulbs that will bloom in spring
- Rake leaves-boring, but it needs to be done
- Mulch-this can be a lot of work, but fresh mulch keeps weeds away, so that is one less chore
- Replace sodded areas with groundcovers or other plants in order to reduce the amount of water your garden requires. Just think, you can get a whole new look and save money. Now that it calming!
Spending time in your garden can help enhance your life. Nature is always bringing you something new to see. By planting a garden you can see your efforts grow and change, attract wildlife, produce fruit, vegetables, or flowers. Sometimes something you plant will not thrive or perhaps it may die, but that offers a lesson as well.
Gardening is beneficial to your mental heath. You can read more about those benefits here: 4-mental-health-benefits-gardening
Working in the garden may make your back hurt, but it will also make you stronger. You can work at whatever pace makes you comfortable and you can always hire someone or enlist a friend to help do the big work if necessary. So take a few minutes and head outside. I swear you won't miss anything; that is why we have voicemail, e-mail and DVR's.
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